After previously reviewing the Boulder Boot, The LumberJac agreed to check out the Primal 2. Read their review here!

Give your feet a new home with a pair of Primal 2 Shoes by Lems. Our first introduction to Lems and their Natural Foot Shape design was with our review of the Boulder Boot. Impressed to say the least, the boots made our feet feel like we were wearing a pair of comfy sandals.

From the outset our impression of the Primal 2 Shoes was that it was going to be a mini version of the Boulder Boots: lightweight, ultra flexible, breathable and comfortable overall. In our mind how could this shoe be any different or better than the boots? Boy we were wrong.

Upon opening the box you could immediately see the difference in materials, craftsmanship and overall weight. We like the durability of the canvas boots, but these Primal 2’s are crafted with a microsuede and open-weave mesh that helps to increase airflow, breathability, and are a much better design choice for a shoe. These shoes also have all the same Natural Foot Shape design and flexible soles as the boots, but for some reason you notice the open toe concept much more in the shoe.

They may not be the lightest shoe on the market, but for 6.9oz and the low-profile sole will facilitate a much more natural stride than anything else you own. The Primal 2’s are not designed for extensive hikes or long distance runs, but for general use around the city or campsite, these Lems are hands down more comfortable than any other shoe we own at the moment.

For more on the LumberJac’s thoughts on the Primal 2 and other gear reviews, click here!

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