While we’re not your mom, we’ve taken a page from her book by recommending you put down your phone, step outside and grab some fresh air. And, ironically, it’s the best time of year to do it. Why should you get into the great outdoors? Keep on reading for a few great reasons. 

Your Memory Will Thank You

A report gathered from research conducted at the University of Michigan found that spending time outdoors, whether going for a stroll or simply enjoying the sunshine, can help improve your long-term memory. It also found that attention span could raise by 20% after an hour interacting with nature.

It Might Just Make You Happier

There isn’t a specifically scientific reason that backs it (yet), but there appears to be a link between lowered feelings of anxiety and spending time outdoors. Also observed are recorded shifts in mood when people break from their normal routine and make an effort to experience nature.

Naturally Helps You Feel Healthier

In this incredibly fascinating piece by Florence Williams, you can truly get a feel for the power of nature, and its effects on your physical wellbeing. After traveling into the woods of Japan, Williams profiled researchers who are linking time spent in nature with theories that it can lower blood pressure, reduce depression, and most interestingly, possibly prevent cancer.

Whether you’re making your way up the mountain, or simply stepping into your backyard, there’s a good chance that Lems has the perfect shoe. Pop into a Primal 2, blaze trails with the Boulder Boot, or go from base camp to the brewery in the Mesa.

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Waarom wandelen goed is voor je gezondheid

Wandelen wordt steeds populairder, zo blijkt uit het rapport Year in Sport 2021 van Strava, waaruit blijkt dat de activiteit twee keer zo populair was als het jaar ervoor. Het rapport toonde aan dat wandelen is toegenomen onder alle leeftijdsgroepen, geslachten en regio's.

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