With 2019 flying by, it’s important to spend sometime outside. And while you probably don’t need an excuse to spend some time in nature, these holidays are a great reason to remember why getting a little wild is a good thing. So go out and conquer the great outdoors with these holidays. 

August 25th, 2019

National Park Service Birthday - While it’s hard to believe that the National Park Service is turning 103 (we don’t think they look a day over 102), it’s true! In 1916, Woodrow Wilson signed one of our favorite services into life, and we’ve never looked back. Celebrate the parks’ big day by getting out there and enjoying all they have to offer. 

September 4th, 2019

National Wildlife Day - This holiday was established to bring awareness to all those animals out there who are on the endangered list. It was created in 2005 by Colleen Paige, who is both an animal behaviorist and philanthropist. If you happen to already have plans that don’t involve visiting and/or donating to your local conservation effort that day, fear not! This holiday is also celebrated on February 22nd — Steve Irwin’s birthday. 


September 28th, 2019

National Public Lands Day - This is a supremely special day outdoors. According to the official website for the National Park Service, National Public Lands Day is: “the nation's largest single-day volunteer effort. It celebrates the connection between people and green space in their community, inspires environmental stewardship, and encourages use of open space for education, recreation, and general health.”


November 17th, 2019

National Take A Hike Day - Take advantage of the fact that this is the one day you can tell people to “take a hike” without it seeming offensive. Be a part of this holiday hosted by The American Hiking Society by getting out there and hitting the trails. 

November 29th, 2019

#OptOutside Day - REI is encouraging you to Forget Black Friday. This holiday is all about getting outside instead of shopping for a TV.  

December 11th, 2019

International Mountain Day - If you’re lucky enough to be located near a mountain range, today is the day to go out and take advantage of it. This holiday is all about highlighting the importance of observing and respecting some of nature's greatest creations. 

If you’re ready to go out and celebrate any of these holidays in your Lems, we’d love to see it! Make sure you send us a picture using #discovermorewithless, or tag @lemsshoes. Enjoy!

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