Here at Lems Shoes, we try to be as transparent as possible with our customers. We try to be as honest as possible about all of our operations and believe the relationship we build with our fans is of the utmost importance. We have come a long way from the origins of the company back in 2010 however we still work in a back room (as well as live in our parents basements).

We take every day as it comes and slowly but surely, we believe we are working to become the company and brand we imagine progressively!

This past week we were fortunate enough to be covered by Youngstown Based CBS Affiliate WKBN! Thank you to Josh for the story and we hope you all enjoy! Next stop Good Morning America!

Look for more updates in the future and please continue to check our Facebook and Twitter for news, awesome pics, and updates from Lems Shoes!

Additional Articles

5 Ways Getting Outdoors is Good for Your Mental Health

Spending even just a short amount of time outdoors every can has shown to have numerous health benefits. At Lems, we love to get active outdoors regularly, which is of course great for our physical health, and regular exposure to the outdoors also boosts our mental health.

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