A lot of people ask us what our logo symbolizes. Our logo is an abstract version of the ancient “Indalo Man”

The Indalo is a prehistoric symbol found in the cave of “Los Letreros” in Vélez Blanco, Spain. The symbol is believed to be magical and it has been customary to paint the Indalo symbol on the front of houses and businesses to protect them from evil.

Legend says that the Indalo was a ghost that could hold and carry a rainbow in his hands. It is a symbol of good luck, however to carry the charm is only beneficial if it has been presented as a gift.

Some people also believe that the story behind the symbol of the Indalo man is about a man who escapes in a cave to get away from the rain, then when the rain stops, out comes a rainbow and when the man walks away from the wall of the cave, the image is left there.

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Histoire de la chaussure

La conception des chaussures a évolué au fil du temps. Au départ, les chaussures de sport sont devenues courantes, motivées par le confort et la performance. Cependant, au fur et à mesure que les chaussures sont devenues à la mode, elles sont devenues moins pratiques et ont privilégié l'esthétique au détriment du confort.

Jetons un coup d'œil plus approfondi sur l'histoire de la chaussure et comprenons comment la conception des chaussures d'aujourd'hui a engendré toute une série de problèmes de pied, notamment les oignons, les orteils en marteauet et bien d'autres.

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